RadioScope Alternative Airplay Chart | December 16 2022

Points are based on the number of plays weighted by the audience size of each radio station.
1ThreeMiloux And Haz BeatsBigPop/Xelon634
2WAWOT.G. ShandCusp/DRM535
3CandyHans. feat. imugi 이무기ABG/TheOrchard484
4Hold My BeerMemory FoamMemoryFoam/DRM483
5Ko Te Reo Te TaikuraHow GetPapaiti/DRM485
6Lost MemoriesVanessa WormVanessaWorm473
7MagicVoom feat. FazerdazeFlyingNun474
8Zero GravitySanoiLOOP464
9The Pip (ABG Remix)RecitalsFlyingNun402
10Other RoomsSwallow The Rat feat. Yuko MiyoshiSwallowTheRat/Clone/DRM393
11RamonaHalf HexagonHalfHexagon/DRM363
12Killing TimeMichael LogieMichaelLogie/Kartel331
13MoonlightAll I SeekSamMinot/DRM332
14Simple PleasuresSoaked OatsDotDash/Inertia/Rhythm332
15I Want To Crush My EnemiesPipsyPipsy/DRM323
16Scary Stories (To Tell When You're Dark)Half/TimeHalf/Time323
17HomewreckerVera EllenFlyingNun314
18ILYSMSamara AlofaKuiniQontrol/DRM312
19You Must ChillHans PucketHansPucket/Carpark312
20God Is A CircleYves TumorWarp/Border303
21Lemon DropDBLDBL feat. imugi 이무기Sunreturn/DRM293
22There Were Things That I ForgotFinn JohanssonFinnJohansson/DRM282
232M3 2UJoy OrbisonXL/BeggarsGroup/Rhythm271
246amChannel TresChannelTres/RCA/SonyMusic271
26Dot Dot Dot... WhatThe BardTheBard271
27I Used To Be Lost But Now I'm Just GoneLes Big ByrdChimpLimbs271
28The FoolRomareYouSee/Believe271
31Mountain TipGreta O'LearyGretaO'Leary261
32Organic ChemistrySocial SportTerrorhythm261
33The Way It WorksSoaked OatsDotDash/Inertia/Rhythm254
34DestinyJonathan BreeLil'Chief/DRM241
35GondiiKing Gizzard And The Lizard WizardKGLW/Universal241
37Lost & FoundLOU'ANARageous/DRM241
38Move ReworkKae Tempest And Kojey RadicalRepublic/Universal241
39Sabi SabiKédu CarlöEMK/Kartel241
40SpellsPaddy FredExtraSoulPerception241