RadioScope Alternative Airplay Chart | Week to October 18 2020

Author: Paul Kennedy
1CheshirePhoebe RingsPhoebeRings/DRM885
2I Seek MiseryDie! Die! Die!Die!Die!Die!/DRM776
3Force FieldKōtiroKōtiro655
4High At The BeachDARTZDARTZ/DRM614
5Wade ThruEmily EdrosaPslSound614
6Calculated RiskEstèreEstère/DRM573
7Pistachio MoonO & The MoO&TheMo/DRM555
8ForgivenSynthetic ChildrenSyntheticChildren514
10Sun Stone AirNa NoiseNaNoise/DRM493
11Y U Always Acting Like A Fool?imugi 이무기 feat. Church & APimugi이무기/TheOrchard482
12Blue Smoke DraftCut Off Your HandsSuperFuzz/DRM473
132 SidesDoonsTOOTEES464
14So ColdJANGJANG463
15Tōku ReoMoana And The Tribe feat. Inka MbingBlackPearl/Rhythm/DRM454
16Paranoia!Adelaide CaraAdelaideCara/DRM444
17Awesome Feeling (Liam K. Swiggs Remix)DisasteradioDisasteradio434
18Humans Of Hanrahan (Live)KeeltysKeeltys422
19Dancing MMMMAmameliaSunreturn/DRM413
20The Saint (With Stains)Anna CoddingtonLOOP403
21Tonight We Could Go Out Dancing (As If It's The Last)King SweetiesKingSweeties/DRM403
22Lady RedKenny SterlingKennySterling392
23Rusty FanH4LF CĀSTHalfCastMusic/DRM393
24Stand InDeva MahalMotemaMusic392
26Icon StatusMazbou QMazbouQ/DRM384
27Big Beat ManifestoEden BurnsPublicPossession362
28CedeWax ChattelsFlyingNun/FlyingOut332
29Deathwish!Church & APYKK/Kartel332
30Somebody Elseimugi 이무기imugi이무기/TheOrchard332
31U LickyHoisin SauceTheSpiceRack/DRM323
32An ArgumentRepairsRepairs301
33Balanced On A BranchSeaside SlothsSeasideSloths301
34BedheadMystery WaitressHomeAlone/DRM301
35Call Me (Freestyle)Blood Orange And Park Hye JinDomino/Universal301
36Cotton 4 DazeMoodymannMoodymann301
37I WonderOrbizonOrbizon301
38MoonlightFuture Islands4AD/BeggarsGroup/Rhythm303
40She's Gone AwayMidnight Riders Meets The Naram Rhythm SectionRedRobin/DRM301